Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.

-Muhammad Ali

More than a gym, we’re a FAMILY.



More than just a sport

More than just a workout

Boxing is an education, where the technical skill of fighting takes YOU on a journey of Discipline, Bravery, & absolute Focus

The timeless art of boxing will teach you the intricate dance of footwork.





A long-lived tradition where one takes the path of becoming a fearless warrior.

Muay Thai is the art of the eight limbs. In order to be a complete fighter, YOU must take the path of Muay Thai.

Taught by our Highly trained coaches, we will take your fighting skills to the next level.

Kids MMA

AGES 6-12

Our kids MMA program consists of young men and women ages 6-12 years old.

Our kid’s MMA system is modeled after a traditional martial arts belt system.

Starting off with a white belt and ending with a black belt.

The structure of the program focuses on techniques from boxing, muay thai, wrestling, and MMA striking & submissions.

The benefits of our program are to increase confidence, self-control, discipline, and self-defense.

Sign up for a free class today.

Fight For Your Life

We offer discounts and specific training for those who struggle with substance abuse, mental health & alcoholism.

We are also open 24 hours to give recovering addicts an outlet no matter the time of day.

Talk to our staff to get set up.

The SIX most significant reasons why we utilize the fundamentals of striking in our program

Many Individuals often inquire about the reasons behind our “Fight For Your Life” program and the choice to incorporate combat sports in our approach to overcoming mental health and substance abuse challenges. Here are six significant reasons why we utilize the fundamentals of striking.

1. Enhanced ability to be present in the moment and disconnect from external distractions:

Engaging in Boxing necessitates complete concentration on the task at hand. To excel in this sport, one must be capable of mentally disengaging from the outside world and maintaining 100% focus. Boxing is characterized by its fast-paced, intense nature, leaving little room for any other thoughts or concerns. y enabling individuals to temporarily detach themselves from daily stresses, boxing provides an opportunity to gain a fresh perspective, facilitating more effective problem-solving and coping strategies.

2. Effective stress relief and endorphin stimulation:

Physical activity is widely acknowledged as an effective means of reducing stress. Similar to runners experiencing a “runner’s high,” engaging in boxing triggers the production of endorphins in the brain. These neurotransmitters are responsible for generating feelings of well-being and positivity. The act of punching helps release muscle tension associated with stress. Over time, individuals will notice improved focus, heightened concentration, and a diminished preoccupation with stressors as they continue their boxing.

3. Group Dynamics and Motivation:

Boxing offers a unique advantage in terms of motivation, as it is typically practiced in a group setting. Exercising alone can sometimes lead to a lack of motivation and temptation to take it easy. However, in boxing, there are often multiple individuals involved in the training process. Whether it’s sparring together, engaging in partner drills with pads, or providing support during exercises like sit-ups, the presence of others creates a motivating environment. Working out in a group setting fosters a sense of camaraderie, accountability, and friendly competition, which can inspire individuals to push themselves to their limits. Additionally, participating in group workouts has been shown to reduce feelings of loneliness and provide a valuable source of social support.

4. Self-discovery and self-awareness:

Engaging in boxing provides a valuable opportunity for self-reflection and self-discovery. Throughout the process of developing their unique boxing style, individuals gain insights into how their mind operates and reacts. Boxing workouts involve strategic planning and execution, requiring precise techniques and coordination. Mastering the combinations, from hooks and jabs to uppercuts, demands concentration, practice, and resilience. Once individuals become adept at these sequences, boxing becomes a skill that enhances various aspects of their well-being, including balance and reflexes.

5. Enhanced self-confidence and mental fortitude:

Beyond physical strength, boxing nurtures a sense of empowerment and mental resilience, equipping individuals with the resolve to confront life’s challenges. The mental skills acquired through boxing extend beyond the ring, providing value in various aspects of life. Understanding opponents, discovering personal fighting styles, and mastering defensive techniques foster confidence and resourcefulness that can be applied in professional and social contexts. Boxing cultivates a fighting spirit that enables individuals to navigate difficult situations with resilience and determination.

6. Anger management and emotional release:

Boxing serves as a healthy outlet for managing anger and releasing pent-up emotions. Engaging in physical activity, such as hitting a punching bag, allows individuals to express and channel their anger in a controlled and non-destructive manner. The act of punching helps release built-up tension and provides a physical and symbolic outlet for stress and frustration. Boxing, particularly in a group setting, offers a safe space to work through negative emotions, enabling individuals to effectively process and overcome them. This can lead to a greater sense of emotional well-being and improved anger management skills.


If you have any further inquiries, please feel free to contact our dedicated team or the owners who prioritize your concerns. Rest assured that all calls will be handled confidentially. We are committed to providing assistance and support on your journey towards overcoming mental health challenges and substance abuse.

Contact Us



9am - 3pm


11:30am - 2 pm

(512) 750-8600

AUSTIN, TX 78758

“There is nothing impossible to
him who will try.”

— Alexander the Great